3 Habits of Highly Effective Students

3 Habits of Highly Effective Students

It is easy to rely on hacks and techniques to learn better. But creating habits wins all the time.
Having been a student for over 20 years of my life, I learned there are a few undervalued habits that can make the difference.

1. Joining a Peer Group With Similar Goals

The more we progress in our studies, the more the complexity of what we learn increases. This is so true when switching from high school to college or university. Joining or creating a group of like-minded people can truly make things easier (it seems peer pressure is actually a great tool to set goals).

2. Defining Your Goals

Everybody wants to “pass the exam!”. But what if you could sit in front of an empty paper trying to figure your Why. It is proven that this simple exercise can actually impact your own success. By having your “Why” close, you can tap into new energy when things get difficult.

3. Prioritize Sleep

Student life can be messy and often lacks structure, but this should not stop you from trying to have a sleeping routine, particularly as the exam session approaches. Simple habits like limiting caffeine or avoiding screens close to bedtime could truly power your journey as a student (read here some stats about it).

What’s Next?

Making the best out of our time as students should be easy, right? When it comes to actually doing the work, spaced repetition apps like DoYouNotes can make the process easier by making your learning journey more efficient and fun.

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