It's Time To Improve Your Grades, Really

#1 App For Spaced Repetition

Learn more in less time

With our study method based on active recall, you will learn and memorize more effectively and in less time.

Make your notes smarter

Why learn a new way to take notes? Use the
notes you already have, and start to learn right away.

Science, not magic

Our study method is provably more effective as confirmed by several scientific studies in cognitive psychology.

Track your progress

Use DoYouNotes to track which parts you remember and find out gaps, so you can easily fix them and focus your effort.

Study on the go

Waiting for the bus doing nothing? Open Do You Notes on your phone and start practicing! You can bring your study wherever you go.

How does it work?

1. Add documents

Add your notes or books in PDF.

2. Add questions

Add some questions.

3. Practice

Practice the questions one by one.

4. Check

Track your progress and find gaps.

What are you waiting for?